Jostein Røyset

Jostein Røyset is a research scientist at Hydro Aluminium’s R&D facility in Sunndalsøra, Norway, where he has been working since 1998, mainly on alloy development and on billet quality of Al-Mg-Si alloys for extrusion.

The daily work includes problem-solving with customers, executing internal R&D projects, and participation in university projects.

His academic background is from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, where he earned a Siv.Ing. degree (MSc equivalent) in 1994, and a Dr.Ing. degree (PhD equievalent) in 2002. He is the author or co-author of 40+ published scientific papers and of 4 patent applications.

High Speed Alloys – What, Why and How

Abstract. The Al-Mg-Si alloys gain their strength from formation of nanoscale particles during artificial age hardening. In the 1990’s the composition of the hardening particles was revealed, thus making it possible to pinpoint which alloy compositions that will be most effective in bringing about a given strength. At about the same time it was discovered, and patented, that a dual rate heating procedure for the artificial ageing would give a significant strength increase, particularly for the leaner Al-Mg-Si alloys such as 6060 and 6063. Combining these findings, a series of alloys, termed High Speed Alloys, was launched with an extrudability 10-25% higher than the alloys commonly used at that time. Further advancements of these alloys include tuning the Mn content, and applying novel casting technology in combination with a non-isothermal homogenisation procedure.Equally important as increasing the extrudability is the possibility for de-bottlenecking of extrusion plants. The limitation on productivity should be on the extrusion press itself, not on the less expensive equipment (billet heater, quench box, ageing furnaces etc.) Examples on how the High Speed Alloys can be utilised in de-bottlenecking in different scenarios are shown.

Sessions by
Jostein Røyset

Day – TBA

Time TBA

High Speed Alloys – What, Why and How